Tests and quizzes


1. QUIEN ES TU  AMIGO? Most likely mean:

a. What is your teacher’s name?b Where are you from?

c. Who is your friend?

2. DE   DONDE ERES?  Most likely mean:

a. What is the school’s name?

b. Where are you from?

c. What do you like?

3. ME GUSTA LA LECHE.  Most likely mean:

a. I like tomato.

b. I like milk.

c. I like football.

4. COMO SE LLAMA LA ESCUELA? Most likely mean:

a. What is your friend’s name?

b. What is your teacher’s name?

c. What is your school’s name?

5. DE NADA.  Most likely mean:

A. Thank you.

B. You are welcome.

C. Hello. 

Nombre:                                                                                                        Fecha:                                                                      


Marta completo la tabla sobre como ella cuido sus dientes por una semana.  Mira la tabla.  Luego responde las preguntas. (Martha filled a chart to show how she cared for her teeth one week.  Look at the chart.  Then answer the questions  below).  

Tabla de dientes saludables- Healthy teeth chart


Me lave los dientes por la manana (brushed teeth, morning)    X      X    X   X    X    X
Por la noche (evening)     X   X     X    X    X   X 
Use hilo dental (flossed)    X    X         X     X    X    X
Comi frutas (ate fruits)    X   X           X        X

  1.      Cuantas veces se lavo los dientes el domingo- How many times she brushed her teeth on Sunday?

  2.     Cuantas veces se lavo los dientes el miercoles- How many times did she brush her teeth on Wednesday? 

 3.     Cuantos dias uso el hilo dental How many time did she floss?

 4.     En que dia se lavo los dientes dos veces, uso hilo dental y comio frutas- On what day did she brushed her teeth two times, flossed, and ate fruits?   


Circle the right answer:

1.        QUIERO POLLO Y ENSALADA. Most likely mean:

a.       Come to the restaurant.

b.      Ready to order?

c.       I would like chicken and salad.

2.       MUCHAS GRACIAS.  Most likely mean:

a.       Thank you.

b.      Please.

c.       Thank you very much.

3.       POR FAVOR.  Most likely mean:

a.       Thank you.

b.      Please.

c.       You are welcome.

4.       TENGO HAMBRE.  Most likely mean:

a.       Spoon

b.      Knife.

c.       I am hungry.

Fill in the blanks, 

Delicioso        si       no       menu     por favor     gracias       muchas     aqui    hambre   venga    

Hola               domingo      el        Amarillo      delicioso         pollo           listo          tiene    ensalada     de

a.        Gracias _________

b.      ________ tiene

c.       ______ ahora lo traigo.

d.      Me puede traer _____  ________

e.      Quiero _________ y ____________

f.        _______ para pedir?

Translate this sentence:

Can you bring me the menu?




 NOMBRE                                                                                                MAESTRA:                                                  

                                                                                    WORD BANK


 1.     Write in order the days of the week:__________     __________   _____________  _____________      _______________ ________________   _________________

2.     Complete in Spanish the sentence:

SEMANA means _________

JUEVES means __________

SABADO means _________

MIERCOLES means __________

3.     Write your answer in the space:

a.     The day that most of the people go to church is: _______________

b.     The first day if the week is: _________________

c.      Two days the students do not come to school are: _____________  ___________________

d.     The last day of the week we come to school   is  _______________

e.     The Spanish class is on ________________

4.     Write in the blanks the missing letters:

a.      _  _  _  _  S

b.     M  _  _  _  _  _  _  _

c.      _  _  _  V  _  _

d.     L  _  _  _  _

e.     _  _  _  _  _  G  _ 



1.  Como se llama su  abuelo?

2. Grandmother in Spanish is:

3.  Como se llama su  tio?

4.  Aunt in Spanish is:

5.   Match:

      a.  Cousin            _____ shirt

      b.  Nephew         _____ fecha

      c.  Day                ______ sobrino

      d.  Date               _____  primo

      e.  Shirt               _____ dia

6.  Answer:

 De que color son sus pantalones?


I. Fatima                                         


1.       Match the word In Spanish to the equivalent word in English.

a.       El Circulo                 ___ Rhombus

b.      El triangulo             ___ square

c.       El cuadrado            ___ tirangle

d.      El ovalo                   ___ rectangle

e.      El rombo                ___ circle

f.        El rectangulo        ___ oval

2.       Translate:

El triangulo es anaranjado  in English is:


El cuadrado es azul in English is:


The square is yellow in Spanish is:


The circle is red in Spanish is:


The rectangle is blue in Spanish is:


3.       Draw:

a.        Triangle  and then label it in Spanish


b.      Square and label it in Spanish


c.       Rectangle and label it in Spanish


4.       Write in Spanish.

a.        Blue

b.      Orange

c.       Yellow

d.      Green

e.      Red

f.        Black

g.       White

                                  EXAMEN DE ESPANOL

Circle and then answer:

1.     Como te llamas?  Most likely means:

a.     Where are you from?

b.     What do you like?

c.      What is your name?

d.     How are you?

Now answer the question:   Me ________  ____________ 

2.     De donde eres?  Most likely mean:

a.     What is your name?

b.     Do you have a pet?

c.      Where are you from?

d.     What is your pet’s name?

Now answer the question:  ______  de ______________ 

3.     Como se llama tu escuela?  Most likely mean:

a.     What is your teacher’s name?

b.     What  is your school’s name?

c.      What do you like to eat?

d.     How are you?

Now answer the question:  Se _______  ____   ______    _________ 

4.     Que te gusta?  Most likely mean:

a.     What do you like?

b.     Do you have a pet?

c.      What is up?

d.     How many  brothers do you have?

Now answer the question:  Me ______ _______ _______ 

5.     Te gusta estudiar?  Most likely mean:

a.     What do you like to eat?

b.     Do you like to study?

c.      What is your school’s name?

d.     What do you like?

Now answer the question;  ____ me _______ _________ 

6.     Como se llama tu mama?  Most likely mean:

a.     What is your mom’s name?

b.     What is your Name?

c.      What is you teacher’s  name?

d.     What is your school’s name?

Now answer the question:  _____ llama ________ 

7.     Como se llama tu papa?  Most likely mean:

a.     What is your pet’s name?

b.     What   is your friends name?

c.      What is your dad’s name?

d.     What is your principal’s name?

Now answer the question:   Se _______ ___________ 

8.     Como se llama tu maestra?  Most likely mean:

a.      What do you like to eat?

b.     Do you like to study?

c.      What do you like?

d.     What is your teacher’s name?

Now answer the question:   ______  _______ ____ senora ________  

9.     Tienes una  mascota? Most likely mean:

a.     Do you have a pencil?

b.     Do you have a book?

c.      Do you have a friend?

d.     Do you have a pet?

Now answer the question:  Si  ______  ______  __________ 

10.                        Como  se llama tu mascota?

a.     What do you like?

b.     What is your pet’s name?

c.      What is your name?

d.     Do you have a book?

Now answer the question:  _____ llama _________ 


                                        EXAMEN FINAL



Instructions:  Choose the right letter:

1.       Como te llamas? means:

a.       What is your teacher’s name?

b.      What is your name?

c.       What is your school’s name?

2.       De donde eres?   Means:

a.        Where is the pencil?

b.      Where are you from?

c.       Where is your book?

3.       En que grado estas?  Means:

a.       What is your brother’s name?

b.      What grade are you in?

c.       What is your father’s name?

4.       Cual es tu animal favorito?  Means

a.       Who is your favorite teacher?

b.      What grade are you in?

c.       What is your favorite animal?

5.       Tines una mascota? Means:

a.        Do you have brothers?

b.      Where is the teacher?

c.       Do you have a pet?

6.       Tienes hermanos? Means:

a.        Do you have brothers?

b.      Do you have sisters?

c.       Do you have a friend?

7.       Cual  es tu materia favorita? Means

a.       Who is your favorite teacher?

b.      What is the school’s name?

c.       What is your favorite subject?

8.       Mi amigo es alto means:

a.       My friend reads a book.

b.      My friend is handsome.

c.       Mi friend is tall.

9.       Tengo hermanas means:

a.        I have sisters.

b.      I have brothers.

c.       I have a pet.

10.   Te gusta la leche means

a.        I like pizza.

b.      I like milk.

c.       I like the school.